Residential Care Homes

Residential homes that offer personal care and individual attention for older adults, people with disabilities and others whose limitations prevent them from living alone. Adult residential care homes generally provide a room, meals and supervision; and may specialize in specific needs such as Alzheimer's disease, developmental disabilities and assistance with activities of daily living (ADL).

More Common Terms

  • Reverse Mortgage A type of loan where an individual borrows against the value of their home and does not have to pay back the principal until the individual sells the home or leaves the home permanently.
  • Ambulatory Aids Devices that help individuals move safely and independently. These include walkers, crutches, canes, scooters and wheelchairs.
  • Depression Depression is a biological illness which may include sadness without any apparent cause, lack of interest, change in appetite and fatigue. Because depression is an illness, a person can't just "snap out of it."

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