
Talk to Andrew LaCour about this community225-332-8086

Each year, our advisors personally visit thousands of assisted living facilities across the U.S. We can offer assistance with this location and others in the area and help find the appropriate senior housing location for you or your loved one.

Promise Pride Adult Day Healthcare Center in Baker

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Promise Pride Adult Day Healthcare Center

Other nearby assisted living facilities:

5100 Groom Road Suite B
Baker, Louisiana 70714
USA; County: East Baton Rouge


Nurse on Staff

Visiting Medical Professionals

Skilled Nursing

Assisted Living:


Independent living:

Memory care:

Respite care:


Median Monthly Costs in Louisiana


Assisted Living Facilities $5 350
Nursing Home Care

$8 669 Semi-Private Room

$9 733 Private Room

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Please contact your local advisor who will gladly help you find a suitable assisted living solution for your loved ones.

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Other nearby assisted living facilities:

Baton Rouge Health Care Center

5550 Thomas Road Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70811 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939

Capacity 145

Northridge Care Center

3612 Baker Blvd Baker, Louisiana 70714 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939

Capacity 132

River Oaks Estate

9475 Pettit Road Baker, Louisiana 70714 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 225-332-8086

Capacity 20

River Oaks Estate

9475 Pettit Rd Baker, Louisiana 70714 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939

Capacity 20

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Andrew LaCour

"I have grown up in the senior living industry ever since I was a young child. My entire life has revolved around skilled nursing facilities and assisted living homes, and I am now thrilled to be able to put the knowledge to work with Senior Care Authority."

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*The Boomers Today podcast was developed by Frank Samson, founder of Senior Care Authority. The show features experts in various areas relative to the issues boomers and their families are faced with on an everyday basis including senior care, nutrition, insurance, estate planning, brain health and much more! Listen!

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