3400 Remington Dr Plano, Texas 75023 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830
Allegro Assisted Living Services LLC Remington Way is a Memory Care and Senior Assisted living residence with its primary focus on service quality for their residents. Through continuous education classes regarding Alzheimer's and dementia, Allegro Assisted Living Services strives to provide up to date Memory Care services as well as other age related illnesses.
5013 Sparrows Pt Plano, Texas 75023 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830
Avalon Residential Care Homes Inc is a part of the Avalon Memory Care Community. Avalon Memory Care specializes in the care of residents with mental health issues, such as, Alzheimer's & Dementia. Avalon Memory Care provides professional and sensitive care for the physical, emotional, mental, and social needs of their residents.
2000 W Spring Creek Pkwy Plano, Texas 75023 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830
Brookdale provides a Personalized and Tailored Assisted Living arrangement to fit your specific needs. The quality and beautiful surroundings of this assisted living community has an intimate and comfortable feel and an emphasis on providing a wonderful living lifestyle that allows residents to remain as independent as possible.
6410 OLD ORCHARD DR Plano, Texas 75023 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830
Brookdale provides a Personalized and Tailored Assisted Living arrangement to fit your specific needs. The quality and beautiful surroundings of this assisted living community has an intimate and comfortable feel and an emphasis on providing a wonderful living lifestyle that allows residents to remain as independent as possible.
3320 Canoncita Ln Plano, Texas 75023 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830
Mission Ridge Residential Care is a certified residential care home that is dedicated to preserving the independence and dignity of its Residents. Located in Plano, TX they offer professional and nurturing support while providing a sense of connectedness and companionship in a warm home environment.