3718-3726 Henry Hudson Parkway Riverdale, New York 10463 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471
As a resident of Atria Riverdale, you are able to enjoy on-site activities designed to engage and inspire or visit nearby attractions such as The Bronx Museum and New York Botanical Gardens. Atria Riverdale offers a range of care options with attentive staff in a caring and supportive environment. The dining options are varied with a grille, pub, and kosher restaurant. A great place to call home.
4499 Manhattan College Parkway Riverdale, New York 10471 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471
5901 Palisade Avenue Riverdale, New York 10471 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471
3718-3726 Henry Hudson Parkway Riverdale, New York 10463 US
Talk to a local Advisor about this community 888-243-0902
As a resident of Atria Riverdale, you are able to enjoy on-site activities designed to engage and inspire or visit nearby attractions such as The Bronx Museum and New York Botanical Gardens. Atria Riverdale offers a range of care options with attentive staff in a caring and supportive environment. The dining options are varied with a grille, pub, and kosher restaurant. A great place to call home.