Memory Care Facilities in Jamaica, Queens New York

Facilities in Jamaica

Highland Care Center

91 31 175TH STREET Jamaica, New York 11432 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 320

Margaret Tietz Center for Nursing

164 11 Chapin Parkway Jamaica, New York 11432 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 200

The Silvercrest Center

144 45 87th Avenue Jamaica, New York 11435 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 320

Hillside Manor Rehabilitation and Extended Care Center

182-15 Hillside Avenue Jamaica, New York 11432 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 400

Highland Care Center

91-31 175th St Jamaica, New York 11432 US

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 888-243-0902

Capacity 320

Jamaica Hospital Nursing Home

89-40 135th St Jamaica, New York 11418 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 226