Talk to John Alagood about this community(469) 333-8830

Each year, our advisors personally visit thousands of assisted living facilities across the U.S. We can offer assistance with this location and others in the area and help find the appropriate senior housing location for you or your loved one.

Lake Forest Good Samaritan Village Assisted Living-Denton in Denton

Also known as

LakeForestGoodSamaritanVillageAssistedLivingDenton85559img1 Lake Forest Good Samaritan Village Assisted Living-Denton

Other nearby assisted living facilities:

Capacity 16
3901 Montecito Dr
Denton, Texas 76210
USA; County: Denton

Good Samaritan Society Lake Forest Village is located on the south side of Denton, Texas. The community offers 16 assisted living apartments and a 60 bed rehabilitation and skilled care center. The long-term care and assisted living communities provide an environment that offers compassion, comfort and loving support to all residents.


Nurse on Staff

Visiting Medical Professionals

Skilled Nursing Yes

Assisted Living: Yes


Independent living: Yes

Memory care: Yes

Respite care:


Median Monthly Costs in Texas


Assisted Living Facilities $5 350
Nursing Home Care

$8 669 Semi-Private Room

$9 733 Private Room

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Other nearby assisted living facilities:

@The Right Place

1405 Val Verde Court Denton, Texas 76210 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Capacity 3

A Joyful Journey Assisted Living LLC-Denton

804 ABBOTS LN DENTON, Texas 76205 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Capacity 6



2801 Spencer Rd Denton Denton, Texas 76208 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Attiva in Denton is a 55 and over active living community with 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Located just off Highway 288, the community offers access to a variety of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Amenities include gourmet kitchens, featuring granite countertops and designer finishes, as well as large walk-in closets, wood-style flooring, 24/7 fitness center, and a resort-style pool. Activities include social hours, group exercise classes, and more. Maintenance issues are guaranteed to be fixed within 48 hours.


Autumn Leaves Of Denton-Shady Shores



Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Capacity 50



2525 LILLIAN MILLER PKWY Denton, Texas 76210 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Brookdale provides a Personalized and Tailored Assisted Living arrangement to fit your specific needs. The quality and beautiful surroundings of this assisted living community has an intimate and comfortable feel and an emphasis on providing a wonderful living lifestyle that allows residents to remain as independent as possible.

Capacity 64

Caresana Care Home at 1806 South Ridge Dr

1806 Southridge Dr Denton, Texas 76205 US

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Capacity 3

Carriage House-Denton


1357 BERNARD ST DENTON, Texas 76201 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Carriage House Assisted Living is located in a quiet residential neighborhood. It is located near the interstate and a short distance from local medical facilities. The private apartment style gives the residents the freedom they have always enjoyed with personalized assistance and care to enjoy their independence.

Capacity 65

Dogwood Estates

2820 Wind River Ln Denton, Texas 76210 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

When your retirement community rests near the banks of a lake named after a magical creature, you know you’re in for something special. Just a few blocks away from Unicorn Lake, Dogwood Estates independent senior living community offers city conveniences served up with small town hospitality. Across the street from the community, watch a movie or enjoy a treat at Denton’s beloved Beth Marie’s Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor. Shop at the Golden Triangle Mall just 1.5 miles from Dogwood Estates or take care of medical appointments on the other side of Interstate 35. Known as “Li’l D” for its proximity to the Dallas-Forth Worth metroplex, Denton, TX is vibrant college town with art and history museums, a lively cultural scene and beautiful parks.



2505 BRINKER ROAD Denton, Texas 76208 US

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (469) 333-8830

Capacity 50

Get a consultation on senior living facilities pricing & availability in and around Denton

Meet your local advisor

John Alagood

Serving the Dallas and Fort Worth Areas. Before professionally assisting seniors, John worked as a management consultant and crisis manager. A Certified Senior Advisor, John is now focused entirely on serving seniors. His crisis experience, both in his professional and personal life, allows him to help families make courageous and informed decisions under difficult circumstances.

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