Group Homes

Also known as Board and Care or Residential Care Homes that offer personal care and individual attention for older adults, people with disabilities and others whose limitations prevent them from living alone. These homes generally provide a room (which may be shared), meals and supervision; and may specialize in specific needs such as Alzheimer's disease or developmental disabilities.

More Common Terms

  • Geriatrician A medical specialist who treats older adults. These are generally internal medicine or family practice physicians who have completed additional training and certification.
  • Assisted Living Facilities Residential housing that maximizes an individual's ability to live independently and provides a lower level of assistance than that at a skilled nursing facility. Services include 24-hour on-call assistance and help with personal and home care such a...
  • Caregiving Refers to services provided to individuals who are unable to fully care for themselves due to a disability or functional limitation. These services can be provided informally by a family member or friend or more formally by a paid professional such a...

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