Generally speaking, Assisted Living is for people that need help with the activities of daily living (ADLs). Depending on the type of care, individual needs and individual desires, Assisted Living can be a great option for your loved one.
Options range from small, family Residential Care Homes to larger, full-service communities with hundreds of residents. Many of these locations specialize in Dementia Care, including Alzheimer’s.
In years past, many seniors were placed in Nursing Homes and this choice may be necessary for individuals with specific medical problems.
However, with the growth of Assisted Living and residential care homes, other options may work well depending upon your love one’s needs.
$8 669 Semi-Private Room
$9 733 Private Room
1401 Country Club Rd Lake Charles, Louisiana 70605 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939
4104 Dauphine St Slidell, Louisiana 70458 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939
410 South Simmons Street Welsh, Louisiana 70591 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939
1338 North Cutting Avenue Jennings, Louisiana 70546 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939
2089 Rainbow Drive Pineville, Louisiana 71360 USA
Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939
Following an executive career in life sciences, Richard Haiduck has had an active retirement. His interests include cycling, hiking, volunteering, reading and family. He has recently interviewed 75+ retirees, as the basis for his book, "Shifting Gears; 50 Baby Boomers Share Their Meaningful Journeys in Retirement."
Sarah Nord is an occupational therapist, Certified Dementia Practitioner & founder of Sensory for Dementia. She is passionate about supporting the sensory, cognitive, & emotional regulation needs of people across the lifespan. Sarah has over 7 years of clinical experience with specialty training in sensory processing through the STAR Institute. She recognizes how sensory health impacts function, behavior, & relationships. She raises awareness about all 8 sensory systems & equips you with a sensory lens so you can get curious about behavioral expressions from a different perspective.