
Talk to Neil Nagraj, CDP about this community(646) 860-0471

Each year, our advisors personally visit thousands of assisted living facilities across the U.S. We can offer assistance with this location and others in the area and help find the appropriate senior housing location for you or your loved one.

BronxCare Special Care Center in Bronx

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Other nearby assisted living facilities:

1276 Fulton Avenue
Bronx, New York 10456
USA; County: Bronx


Nurse on Staff

Visiting Medical Professionals

Skilled Nursing

Assisted Living:


Independent living:

Memory care:

Respite care:


Median Monthly Costs in New York


new-york .
Assisted Living Facilities $5 350
Nursing Home Care..

$8 669 Semi-Private Room

$9 733 Private Room

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Other nearby assisted living facilities:

Beth Abraham Center

612 Allerton Ave Bronx, New York 10467 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 520

Bronx Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing

1010 Underhill Avenue Bronx, New York 10472 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 200

Bronx Gardens Rehabilitation & Nursing Center

2175 Quarry Road Bronx, New York 10457 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471



799 East Gun Hill Road Bronx, New York 10467 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 888-243-0902

Capacity 320

Concourse Rehabilitation & Nursing Center

1072 Grand Concourse Bronx, New York 10456 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 240

DOJ Assisted Living Program, Inc.

1160 Teller Avenue Bronx, New York 10456 US

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 888-243-0902

Capacity 70

Fordham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

2678 Kingsbridge Terrace Bronx, New York 10463 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471


Fort Tryon Center for Rehabilitation & Nursing

801 W 190th Street New York, New York 10040 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community (646) 860-0471

Capacity 205

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Neil Nagraj, CDP

Neil Nagraj, CDP, runs Senior Care Authority New York City (SCANYC). He partnered with SCA after spending 20 years in media, working as an editor at the New York Daily News, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post. After his journalism career, he took on leadership roles in marketing at Tripadvisor and Coinbase, and even started his own agency.

Neil got into eldercare after spending a year managing care for his father-in-law. He found it incredibly rewarding to help his family navigate the eldercare system and now wants to help others find the best care for their loved ones.

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*The Boomers Today podcast was developed by Frank Samson, founder of Senior Care Authority. The show features experts in various areas relative to the issues boomers and their families are faced with on an everyday basis including senior care, nutrition, insurance, estate planning, brain health and much more! Listen!

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