List of assisted living facilities in 70808 Zip code

Facilities in 70808

St. James Place Of Baton Rouge

333 Lee Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 225-332-8086

Capacity 77

Southside Gardens Assisted Living Center

4536 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 225-332-8086

Capacity 48

Amber Terrace

8585 Summa Avenue Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 225-332-8086

Capacity 154

St James Place Nursing Care Center

333 Lee Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939

Capacity 64

Our Lady Of The Lake Regional Medical Center

5000 Hennessy Blvd Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 USA

Talk to a local Advisor about this community 504-215-8939

Capacity Not provided
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